
Our finalised program is available below. For those interested in attending, the call for registration is available here.

The basic schedule of the conference is as follows:

Friday 15th September: 

9am: Introduction to Conference

9.15am: Luigi Laino, “Between “Construction” and “Structuralism”: Natorp’s and Cassirer’s Assessment of Metageometry”

9.45am: Kate Hindle, “Placing D’Arcy Thompson in the Historiography of Mathematics”

10.15am: Coffee Break

10.30am: Hywel Griffiths, “The effectiveness of mathematics

11am: Zachary Stanley, “Formalisation and the Definition of the Function Concept

11.30am: Keynote Speaker Georg Schiemer, “How Geometry Became Structural

12.30pm: Lunch Break

1.30pm: Benjamin Wilck, “Are Definitions Boundaries of Concepts Only Metaphorically? A Reply to Frege” (Zoom)

2pm: Frederike Lieven, “Intellectual background for the <<New Math>> reform in France and Germany

2.30pm: Cecilia Neve Jimenez, “A Historic Review of Representations of the <<Mediant>>, Farey sequences and Related Topics”

3pm:  Coffee Break

3.30pm: Kaveh Boheiri, “Hegel and Mathematics: Towards the Resolution of a Dilemma”

4pm: Keynote Speaker Zvonimir Šikić, “Are there mathematical concepts that are real?”

Saturday 16th September 

9am: Paul-Emmanuel Timotei, “Halphen more geometric than Noether

9.30am: Mireia Martinez i Sellarès, “The curves are no longer similar”: On the Beginnings of Geometrical Affinity”

10am: Coffee Break

10.30am: Ravi Chakraborty, “From Boole to Cassirer: Algebra as the law of thought and perception” (Zoom)


11.30am: Keynote Speaker Silvia De Toffoli, “Disagreement in Mathematics: Why It Matters?” (Joint work with Claudio Fontanari)

12.30pm:  Lunch Break

1.30pm:  Benjamin Zayton, “Qualifying the Received View on Urelements in Set Theory”

2pm: Hala Khassiba, “From pure mathematics to applied mathematics: emergence of a new discipline at University of Nancy after the Second World War” (Zoom)

2.30pm: Coffee Break

3pm: Daniel Usma Gomez, “Aquinas and Benacerraf: some remarks on the topicality of medieval philosophy of mathematics” (Zoom)

3.30pm: Keynote Speaker Karine Chemla, “Mathematical collectives according to observers and actors: The historiography of numeration systems and arithmetic”

4.30pm: End of Day